Adderland, a magical place where nothing makes sense, every day is a challenge, and we sometimes feel that we, the NON-Adders, are losing our minds.
Welcome. There's lots of things on the net about ADD, and lots of "advice" out there that often argues with itself. There are lots of possibilities (all of which your personal family doctors probably ignored or said was wrong), and lots of things every day that make you CRY, scream, laugh, and feel left out.
Adderland, the last magical land that Uncle Walt failed to complete in Anaheim, was designed for those that wake up late, cannot find what they need, forget the rules, argue about their decisions, and always want more. It's a wild ride all on it's own, so none were included. There are no souveiniers available to buy as we create our own daily, and the show is always cancelled since no one can get their lives organized enough to GO.
That's where you come in, Moms of America. You may very well be the only glue in your family- and often feel yourself being pulled several ways at once. You know your kids, and yet you find them sabotaging their own days, arguing about what they should be handling, and repeating yourself until even YOU hate the sound of your own voice. There is NO support group for you- until NOW.
Welcome to Adderland. Here, you will not be mocked, nor ignored. Your stories will be cherished, laughed with, and your feelings- ALL of them, good and bad- will be acceptable to speak about.
You need to read this blog from the bottom up in order- they post latest first.
Send this URL to friends, add it to the bottoms of your mail, throw it out on your school site or your medical notes- just invite folks to come and take a vacation in the happiest place in the ADD universe. We understand here.... and promise to make you smile.
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