Mercury has been that 'serious' issue.
None the less, there is no point in ANYONE posting on line unless they are writing in some attempt to connect with others and to make some point or share info. So, I haven't just blogged indescriminately to fill time or make regular posts without reason.
Sometimes, maybe I should.
New material draws people, and we have found in America that even mediocre content that is *new* seems to be of interest to most readers.
I find that sad. Doesn't anyone other than me CHECK the stuff they read??
When was the last time you read something that sounded important or useful and then went and GOOGLED the damned thing to verify that the writer wasn't just pulling your leg?
(BTW- the phrase "pulling your leg" comes from the 1700-1800's in England, when the gibbet (gallows) was in regular use. Seems that in the old days, they didn't have much of a "drop" when they hung ya, and most people strangled to death...a slow, painful way to go at the end of a noose. Good hangmen would make sure you died rather quickly by going down and pulling your leg or hanging on to the lower legs until they were sure you were dead. So if someone is pulling your leg, they aren't JUST trying to gag ya- they are literally trying to kill you).
I want you to do that more. Check the sources. Verify facts at 3d party sites that have nothing to do with either side of whatever argument you are checking. Don't trust the people you have trusted- make them work for it.
Just a little something for 2007- verifying the rhetoric is a good thing.
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